Twitch affiliate with 14?

- in Twitch

I'm Twitch Streamer currently it is going very well. Now with the Twitch Affiliate program I have to enter data eg: name address etc. From whom do I have to take my or my parents' data? Quote Twitch "Q: I'm not yet 18. Can I register anyway?

A: Yes. A parent or your legal representative must agree to the terms of the affiliate program. So you have to be there when you make the registration.

" What now?


Well, as already answered above.

Talk to your parents about it and if you agree, enter your details, or let them enter them yourself.


Just in passing, if it's a program that you use to earn money, then you have to report it to the tax office.

For such things there are e.g. The trade license. Then you have to talk to the health insurance about it, etc.