I'm not indulging my friends, what can I do?

- in Twitch

Following situation:

I really enjoy watching a streamer on Twitch and I got to know someone with whom I get along well and am also friends.
The streamer we're both looking for has been looking for new moderators to support him in the chat etc. His requirements were activity in the stream and in the chat - whereby me and my buddy (don't know each other in real life) were equally active and both were motivated to become a mod.

Now I find out today that he became a mod - but not me. I don't know, in general I just don't give my friends things that I would like to have or work towards.

I kind of can't accept that he made it and I didn't, even though we both did the same job.

Tips for more acceptance in such a situation?


Perhaps you will try to actively practice gratitude? Then you see not only what you don't have, but also what you have. E.g. A PC and enough free time to watch streams. Or something like clean drinking water, a roof over your head, enough to eat… Every night before you go to bed, write down three things that you are grateful for. Then your feeling of lack is reduced and with it your envy.