Can you accept donations under the age of 18 on Twitch?

- in Twitch

Am I actually allowed to accept donations on Twitch under 18 if my parents allow me a PayPal profile and do I have to pay taxes if I get something? I'm 16

(I want to activate donations only if I were a partner)


All income must be taxed.
That wouldn't be your name, but one of your parents since you're not 18.


If my parents allow me a PayPal profile…

Your parents can't allow you a PayPal profile; PayPal is 18 and over, with no ifs or buts.


Paypal in itself is from 18 even if your parents allow you to have your own Paypal account should it happen that this Paypal acc is hacked or you have problems there and want to call Paypal who want a confirmation that you are 18 when it comes out you are snicjt it will be blocked with immediate effect and in the worst case deleted


If my parents allow me a PayPal profile

They are happy to do it, but will not do anything for you.

Paypal is and remains from 18 years. It doesn't matter whether your legal guardian allows you to do this or not.


PayPal was explained to you - you are also not allowed to use your mother's slip.

The donations you plan are not donations in the tax sense. It's revenue. Income is taxable.

So: it's best to drop the whole idea.