Internet problems while streaming?

- in Twitch

I once again have a problem with my streams on Twitch. But this time the devil is sitting deeper.

For a few days now, I have the problem that my Internet says goodbye when I stream. A speed test before the stream gives me the following results:

2 pings | + -550mbit download | + -300mbit upload

If I then start the stream it goes steeply downhill after a few minutes. Rough average values that I have to record during the stream:

+ -200Ping | + -20mbit Upload | + -10mbit download

The stream is accordingly a slideshow for the viewer and comes with a long delay (if any).

That it makes no sense and fun playing an online game with 200+ ping should be clear.

When I finish the stream, I notice how it is getting better. After half an hour everything starts again and runs as it should.

I think the problem comes across quite well and understandable. The PC is connected with LAN directly to the Fritzbox. If you need more details, please ask.

I hope there's someone who can help me. I'm still getting the crisis!


Apart from that, I wonder which provider you are

have a higher upload as a download
550 MBit upload

, we probably can't help you with this problem. Have you ever contacted your provider?


Sorry, it is of course reversed.

I'm on the waiting list. That should probably take some time.


The classics all through;

Restart, call the provider etc


Of course, I have restarted and demand from the provider is still running.