Should I go to the Bundeswehr and how is it living there?

- in Xbox

I'm not really interested in the Bundeswehr, but I want to get away because I do not like my apprenticeship as an electronics technician and I've heard that the German Armed Forces live well there. I'm not a parasitic but I feel uncomfortable here, everyone tells me that it's hard there, but that's only from the people who are just lazy, or gamer. I'm good at endurance running and Weitwursf, how is it with the Bundeswehr and can you take his xbox with you for a weekend among comrades? Is there a weekend? Or do I have to go home? And is it noticeable if you knock or throw parts? If so, what happens? Who do you have to salute? Actually, I'm not the one who lets me say what I have to do, otherwise I would do what I'm told there


I do not understand the question. You're on duty for around 8 hours and have 16 hours of free time. Where do you live? I live where I spend my free time. Or would you ask someone who works at VW, how to live there?

I lived at my location, with my family, in my house, and certainly not with the Bundeswehr.

Parts throw

What does that mean?

if you smoke

Then you are out. Then you have to live somewhere else. Kiffen in service or in the barracks in general is a military offense.


Parts are drugs, mdma, and peps, so you are more alert and can concentrate


Please stop it.

People who take drugs have lost nothing in the Bundeswehr.

With that you put a danger for you and your comrades there.

To your question:

Yes, the doctors at the BW find out if you BTM's consumed especially in the GA at the beginning.

Training at the Bundeswehr as an electronics engineer will not be easier…


Yes, sir!


Just let. The asker is wheelchair user. He will not be a soldier anyway.


Do not worry, you can continue to use drugs. You certainly will not become a soldier.


Then I'll show you, I'll give you my first badge


I'm not really interested in the Bundeswehr at all

My recommendation; Finish training, then you can look for something else.

The Bundeswehr is not for you, fingers away. The occupation soldier is also a vocation, but you lack the aptitude and attitude. Furthermore, foreign missions are up for debate, you do not seem to be clear.

You'll find something, the soldier is not enough, you would most likely not pass the aptitude tests.


In a few years, my eyesight is gone, and I want to make something extraordinary, Storm Soldier

Unfortunately I'm also in a wheelchair and the paralysis spreads