Is the Xbox one X sensitive?

- in Xbox

I have had an Xbox one x since Christmas, now I have noticed that I have a small dent and some scratches. But that comes from taking my console to friends. My question is the Xbox is very sensitive to dust or a case. And can I wipe them with a wet cloth without any problems. I treat her very carefully and check every day whether she has a good environment with regard to heat, etc. I would appreciate a quick answer.


Yes you can clean them with a slightly damp cloth.

But the cloth should only be slightly moistened, as you may then get water inside the Xbox


Thank you! That helped me in the past, could you maybe answer the answer with the sensitivity of the console?


However, I do not understand this.

Should she be sensitive to dust?

It transports all warm air and ideally dust from the console if it contains dust.

So don't worry if you mean it


Well my room consists of 80% technology so there's dust on every corner and in the evening when I turn it off there's a huge pile of dust


You can use ordinary wet wipes on the One X, if it is lying down, you can wipe it off without hesitation, since it has no ventilation opening, as on the One and One S. However, if it is standing up, it is better not to use a wet wipe.

Honestly? Just take a Swiffer dust magnet frond and plaster off all sides. That's how I do it every time, and the swiffer I have is super reliable. I also use btw with my 360 Slim and One S.

As far as sensitivity is concerned, the One X can break if you drop it, but it happens with almost every console. Just make sure that someone is not so stupid and accidentally flakes them off the table or something.