Transfer Red Dead Score?

- in Xbox

I have a little complicated problem. And I have an Xbox one and an xbox one s. My father plays LS15 on the first, I would like to play red dead 2 on the other, but the score is on xbox one and I don't want to start over. Can you transfer the score to another account so that we can both play at the same time?


Can you upload your game data to the cloud on Xbox? Say upload to the cloud on Xbox one and download it on one s, done. Otherwise, maybe pull on a USB stick?

I only have a PS4 at home but I would do it that way.


When you are online with the console, the saves are automatically saved in the cloud.

I understand it so that they play with the same account. Therefore, the scores of both games are linked to the account. However, you can't register the same account on two consoles at the same time. So he would have to start the account with his box and RDR online once to load the game and then continue playing offline.


When it comes to story game data, RDR2 shouldn't be tied to the account, I think. The online game data, of course, already.

But yes, you can't log on to two consoles with one Acc at the same time.


The game data is always linked to the account. Speak to the player's profile. Both off and online. Otherwise the scores would not be assignable to anyone.


OK, was just a guess from me. With the PS4 you can, as I said, pull the data onto a USB and then download it to another Acc.