Got all xbox 360 successes unlocked by mistake this weekend

- in Xbox

I don't have the FALLEST idea what the hell happened, but when I got my old 360 out and turned it on at the weekend, it had multiple problems starting up. After it finally worked properly, I wanted to register my account, 5 seconds after it was connected to xbox live my 360 crashed. After 2 more attempts and the 360 got stuck, I was FINALLY able to operate the console without restrictions. However, I found that the 360 showed me the gamerscore of over 81000 Gscore, even though I had 47200. Then I saw that all of the games I played on the 360 and one, as well as some of the 360 Gamepass, were all considered completed! I hit my one straight away to look and hope that it wasn't, but I ACTUALLY have over 81,000 gamerscore now! How could this happen? And how can I reverse that? It unnecessarily distorts my score! Years of work for free! And as if that wasn't bad enough, reported where I'm registered and said they reported me! What is going on here? How do I get rid of these unearned successes?


In the end it doesn't matter as long as there are no consequences. But if necessary, write to xbox support. He will definitely be able to help you there