Ebay games code scam?

- in Xbox

I bought a code for an xbox game on ebay privately. I was sent a very old game on CD (worthless). He apologized and said I should keep it and he will refund everything. But I'm aware that he would have liked to have 10 euro more and just wanted to adjust it. So asked what the problem is and got no answer for a long time. Later, I just wanted to accept a statement and the refund. Then he wanted to give me the code, but by message. What I find naughty, since I have paid shipping. Now he just sends me the code there. Can I still use my buyer protection (paypal)? He sent me the code without asking, but I wanted him out on the post.

Very annoying is also that he pretends he could (before and last name German) hardly German. At the end but could write 'are you satisfied now or what'


He offered you a refund, if I understood correctly, right?

Did you agree? So you got your money back?


I said I would like to have the article I bought and asked why he did not want to send it to me. But there was no answer


You got the code, as you write. Only not by mail, but by mail. For that you got an old game on the mail.

So you have everything you want.

It can really be that it was a given when he first sent you the wrong game (but I do not think so either - see it like you do.).

I would, because you got the code yes, nothing more. Is not worth the stress, I think. But do you have to know yourself?

Of course, in the buy nothing more and possibly ebay describe the case


I just think it's unfair how people try to cheat. Can I contact him somehow? Just standing there feels ugly


As I said, if you have the code and that works, then I would do nothing more and in the future buy my codes from reputable providers.

I've never bought anything on Ebay Classifieds, but the "normal" Ebay offers opportunities to report scammers.


I bought it on ebay. And how do you do that?