Original Xbox Power Button not working properly?

- in Xbox

I recently unpacked my original Xbox and was going to play with it again, but I immediately noticed that the console just boots up by itself and only turns off by pulling the cable.

Then I screwed the thing on, removed the clock capacitor and cleaned it roughly from the inside. I reassembled and reconnected everything, but of course it still works on its own. Every now and then the button works without problems, which is why I can turn the Xbox on and off with a button, but as I said, it rarely works and the problem still arises. The only thing that has gotten better is that the console can be switched off with the power button, but the console then switches on again after approx. 2 seconds. Before that, the push of a button had done nothing.

In tutorials on YouTube such problems show that the traces on the motherboard are damaged, but they still look completely fine to me.

Could the problem be that the inside is too dusty and dirty because it worked better after rough cleaning, or is something broken or damaged?

If someone has had similar experiences and possibly knows a solution to this problem, I would be very happy to receive an answer.


I could imagine that the dust damaged the traces and you only cleaned it a little by cleaning because the dust is no longer stuck.

If you have a guarantee, I'm sorry, but in the operating instructions it says that by unscrewing and trying to carry out independent repairs of any guarantee.