Submit Console Yes / No?

- in Xbox

Good evening I have a question and that, it is about the XBox One X. I bought this console last January. Since 26/01/19 there's an error concerning the connection between console and controller. My gamepad arbitrarily loses the connection to the XBox. I have already gechatet with a coworker from the support. We went through everything, so: battery change, controller change (I've tried 3 different), with USB cable, hard reset, update controller, reconnect controller, etc. Nothing worked, except the connection with the USB cable. Now I was advised to send in the console because there seems to be an error with the Wi-Fi module. Now I'm thinking of whether I should send in the console or not, because I could actually play with cable relish. The warranty will run until April 2020. What would you do on the spot?


As long as you have a warranty and the support recommends it to you, you should do that as well.

So yes


Senseless question the thing is broken that want to rearch and the free and you are still thinking?


Well, I'm superior, because what if they do not get it fixed and send me a new but used one (because of the same value) that gets other damages that are more serious?


If then send the no used where do you have that. And then it still has one year warranty.


If you send them directly back to Microsoft, you will be sent a replacement device and then you pack the broken one and then go back grad. (So it was with me) But look again at Xbox / Microsoft for how to regulate that.

I would send you back because you still have warranty. If the warranty is gone and the problem gets worse, you're just annoyed.

If you do not get a replacement device it is not bad either. Everyone survives a few days without gambling.


Really? Yes, I have no experience with it, so I ask. The XBox support just said that they do not know how to handle it. I thank you anyway.


If they can't handle it is Xbox own fault and you get ne new One.


Yes, it's really just about the fact that it is a passable damage. The console is quite expensive and so I wonder what happens when they send me a new console, which then gets another, serious damage over time. Playing distracts me well from everyday life, but I get a few days already regulated. XD


The console costs 500 euro at such a price should be no defects. In addition, if you can only play with a cable it is annoying. I do not think the new one has any bugs because what's on your Xbox is usually an exception. So send her back that does not hurt. With Angrybirds you will already bridge the time 😉


If they get it net or what goes wrong, you get a brand new one