After Windows 10 update devices stop working?

- in Xbox

I was forced an update of Windows overnight, Since then my Xbox One controller and my microphone is no longer running. What could be the problem. I often had the problem that after an update my controller stopped working. Which is why I did not do these updates because I always had problems. Now the microphone came to it.

My devices are recognized by the system and supposedly run perfectly in Device Manager. But can't be used. The devices are not broken and running. (Yesterday Yesterday both can use without problems.) Hardly made the update already both work no longer work? How can I solve this problem. Looking for bugs has done nothing because the devices allegedly objection would run free.

I hope you can help me as I get fixed again because I'm dependent on both devices…


Did you have to install your own drivers for the devices, or did Windows automatically detect them? With my own drivers, I would just install it again.

Is the microphone with jack or USB?

Otherwise, I would unplug the devices and restart Windows. Then reconnect the devices again, with USB perhaps at another USB connection.


I had to install my own drivers for my controller. Not for my microphone. I've restarted my computer and have the USB ports reversed, unfortunately, still no success. The microphone has a USB port