Buy Wqhd 144hz monitor now?

- in Xbox

I mainly play on the console, but now and then I also play on the PC. With regard to the upcoming release of the new generation of consoles, I wonder whether it is still worthwhile to buy a Wqhd 144hz monitor within the price range of around 350 euro. The Xbox one X already creates Wqhd with 120hz. I just want to be relatively future-proof and therefore do not want to buy a monitor that will not even begin to meet the new standards in 1-2 years. In general, I tend to say yes, because I think that 4k 144hz (and higher) will go beyond the price range in the near future and that with Wqhd 144hz you actually get an optimal medium and the new consoles may not be able to do much more than 4k 144hz. How do you see it?


WQHD and 144Hz are perfectly fine, now or in 2-4 years.


It will be a while before you can play 4k with high settings.


FullHD 60 Hz are also sufficient. It will take a while until it is no longer "future-proof".


4K and stable 144hz will still not be a standard in the next few years, I think, I got myself a WQHD monitor 6 months ago and I will be happy with it for quite a while.


I can't judge whether it is "future-proof". You have to know that yourself. From personal experience I can say that a 144hz monitor is always worthwhile. Worlds lie between 60hz and 144hz. On a PC, you benefit not only from the higher image repetition. Screen tearing is almost imperceptible at 144hz, making vertical sync superfluous. Therefore: buy the monitor.

Is a 144hz monitor worth it? Ar AriyaPhilippines