Image error on Youtube videos?

- in Xbox
Image error on Youtube videos Image error on Youtube videos - 1

Hello I have for a few months, the problem that my TV comic error displays. The TV is just 1 year old and I'm mainly on my Xbox One X on the Internet


HDMI cable checked or exchanged times?

Is it only on YouTube videos or even gaming, TV, etc?


Looks more like a bug in the graphics chip.


It only occurs on YouTube videos. When gaming or filming I have not noticed. But very often on YouTube videos. It does not always come in the same place but when I rewind in the video then the video is partly normal and at another point in the video, it emerges again.


The funny thing is I've done the Xbox a month ago in repair and according to Saturn, I've got a new Xbox one x


The TV was already in repair since the motherboard was exchanged


Is one stupid yes. Do the errors occur in every application?

Maybe you still have a 2nd TV or monitor to check if it is the monitor or the Xbox is. If the error mitwandert it is probably the Xbox.


Okay, I'm overworked sorry. Maybe reinstall YouTube?


Good idea I test the same time