Are Xbox users already afraid of the Playstation event?

- in Xbox

The fear is justified. That is where the post will drop off. I fear too.


Yes heard they want to tick off phil spencer's head in public


It's going to be brutal


Nope why should i

I no longer have high expectations of either manufacturer. The last events have shown that. They'll probably be out now with the date and price, nothing more.

My purchase decision for the Series X has been made for a long time. And over time, if Microsoft moves away from supporting the current Gen. Goodbye, I'm sure that the games will look and run better on the Series X than on a PS5.

Interestingly, everyone always rubs themselves against the oh-so-great exclusive titles, but the majority of the games sold and played are multi-platform and we will have to wait until the release on which platform they run better.

In addition to my One x, I currently also have a PS 4 pro. The latter only for the exclusives and they are without exception single player titles that collect dust in the closet after playing through once, like the jet console too. On the One X, on the other hand, I play everything, simply because everything works and looks better there.

And something else you little fanboy. If the Series X is bought and Sony brings interesting titles, I will certainly buy a Playstation 5 later.


At the latest after the event you will change your mind about it. Believe me. I will remember your answer.

Performance, good games lead to purchase and Sony will show us that😌


It may sound strange to you, but I can already feel how awesome the event will be.


Well, you're really wrong. I've been an Xbox gamer from the start and my entire community plays on the box. So I will hardly change my lead platform no matter what Sony shows.

And Halo, Forza, Flight Simulator or Fable plus the Gamepass with EA Plus and Streaming will be completely sufficient for me in the future.

As for performance, wait and see. On paper, the box has the edge. I haven't seen anything earth-shattering games that force you to buy. This applies to both systems.

I would rather play Cyperpunk 2077 with ray tracing on the Series X than a bag box on the PS5.


Then you should urgently consult a doctor!