Dark Soul 3 tips?

- in PlayStation

I've been actively playing Playstation for about 4 years. Now I've decided to play Dark Souls 3 and I'm almost on the verge of a nervous breakdown ^^. I've been playing the game for about 25 minutes and the first tutorial boss really gives me nuts xp.

Can one of you, who has already played Dark Souls 3, tell me exactly how the combat system is structured and how tomorrow I won't lie in bed with a hoarse voice thinking about deleting the game ^^.

LG, any answer would be really helpful.

PS: Could it be that I'm so miserable in this game because of my young age (14)? I think that's complete nonsense, but I'll still ask.


Dark Souls is a lot of recognizing patterns and reacting to them, especially in boss fights.

Learn to strike. However, you also learn when you should keep your distance and be relatively safe to heal. Learn to roll into an attack and not take any damage from it.


Iudex Gundyr is designed as a noob filter, which is supposed to ensure that you have understood the principle.

Important is

that you memorize his attack pattern. Get to know him
Perseverance management. Without perseverance, your figure won't do anything, no attacks, no blocks, no evasive action
Most opponents are more dangerous at a distance than up close.
In the second phase, Gundyr is sensitive to fire. You can find a few fire bombs in the tutorial area. Look around
Git Gud


It has nothing to do with age, actually you can learn better if you are younger

Dark Souls is simply known for being mega heavy and rubbish, that's why I don't play it. That would mean in no time that I'm no longer allowed to gamble (for the day)


The game is not difficult, it is really just memorization.


The tips that were written here are good. But a tip that you might still be missing: Take your time. Be less aggressive. The Dark Souls games are a little different from some other games such as Skyrim where you can swing your sword wildly and manage 80% of the game. With Dark Souls you have to wait for the right moment to strike and not get too greedy. Opponents recover from their defenseless states and then give you a lot behind the ears if you are not prepared for their comeback. This is not so noticeable with the normal opponents, but even more so with the bosses.

If you have an opportunity to do damage because the opponent needs a second to recover from his swing, hit it only once and then raise the shield again (if you have one with you) or keep your distance. If you deal 2 or 3 more punches but then go for it because the boss pegs you in a violent combo, then only one is to blame, and that's you.

Observe, show patience. Don't get hectic and come to terms with the fact that you have to die more often. In theory, you can play the entire game the first time without dying. In purely practical terms, however, this is almost impossible. Don't be angry if you go on it a lot, the game is not designed to allow you to do it in one go, otherwise the designers would have built it in so that you get a game over when you die and have to reload.

Maybe that will help you a bit.


One more question: I have the magician class, which means that I should actually be able to do magic. But strangely enough, I can't do magic, just swing my sword and heal myself.

Do you know the keyboard shortcut on the controller, how to raise the sword like that and then the spell goes from the sword to the boss and demeaged him?


Spells, be it magic, pyromancy or curses, are always cast with a catalyst.

In addition to your sword and shield, you also have a magic wand with you. I'm not sure if it is already equipped at the beginning. Press left and right on the control pad, then you switch the equipment for left and right hand. When you have it in hand, the selected spell should no longer be grayed out and you can activate the magic wand like your sword or a shield with the shoulder buttons. First try it out on the grave guards, they can be shot down with magic.

Attention: There's no such thing as a milk-and-milk sow. Sometimes magic is a great weapon against an enemy, sometimes almost useless, because he is either well protected against magic, or cleverly evades, or leaves you no time to do magic.

If I remember correctly, Iudex Gundyr is relatively susceptible to magic if you keep your distance, but don't expect him to go to sleep straight away when you pull out the wand.

Edit: Whoops, that should be a comment on your question, sorry.

I'm happy to help if you have any further questions.


As a magician you have equipped a magic wand, you can switch between the equipped weapons with the left and right arrow keys. With the magic wand you have a buff (heavy attack) and you can cast the current spell (light attack)