Do I lose my scores?

- in Xbox

Since today a problem with my Xbox.

I keep getting disconnected from Xbox Live and reconnecting after a few minutes? What's going on there?

I plan to do a reset and I'm not sure what I will lose.

I don't want to lose my scores

Can someone help me?


Resetting the console does not delete the saved games. Because the games are saved in a cloud differently than with the competition, so your game status does not have to be saved on the hard drive and you can reset your console without any problems.

After a reset, all you have to do is re-download your games and log in again.

Since you can't connect to Xbox Live, I would blame a weak internet connection or a slow internet connection.

Tried opening the NAT type for the Xbox and changing the priority in the router?


"Different from the competition." πŸ˜„

In the case of the competition, i.e. Sony and Nintendo, the scores are also stored in a cloud. The only difference is that you need PS-Plus / Nintendo Switch Online, which you normally have anyway.

Unlike the competition, you can at least save your scores externally with the PS. πŸ™ƒ


Thanks but the strange thing is that only my Xbox suddenly has weak internet? Have owned this for 3 years now and never had any problems with the internet and now all of a sudden


Do you have problems on other platforms as well?


The only difference is that you need PS-Plus / Nintendo Switch Online, which you normally have anyway.

Why should one assume that everyone has the money and spends money on it every month? I know a lot of PS and Nintendo users. None of them use these services because it just makes no sense to buy them for them.

Unlike the competition, you can at least save your scores externally with the PS. πŸ™ƒ

Oh wow, full of the blatant argument. But the hard drive of the XBox has more storage space from the factory.

The rest of the XBox is just better, here are a few examples:

The CPU and CPU performances

Both the and the use SoCs from AMD based on the Zen 2 (CPU) or RDNA2 (GPU) architecture. Both consoles also use 16 GB of GDDR6 RAM and SSDs. The CPU performance should be similar. Because the slightly higher chip clock of the Xbox Series X should hardly be noticeable in games. It looks different with the GPU. The graphics chip of the PS5 achieves a maximum of 10.28 TFLOPS in performance through 36 processing units and a 2.23 GHz clock. The Xbox Series X, on the other hand, sends 12.15 TFLOPS, 52 processing units and a clock rate of 1.825 GHz into the race. That should provide a superiority in multiplatform titles.

The hard disk

The hard drive of the XBox Series X / S has 1 TB from the factory. The PS5, on the other hand, has to be satisfied with 825 GB.

Then I briefly quote the conclusion again:

Tech-wise, the Xbox Series X is the winner
In our opinion, the technical data shows a clear picture: On paper, the Xbox Series X is the more powerful console. This is primarily due to the much more powerful graphics chip. How this will affect everyday life will become apparent as the selection of games increases. The developers will presumably use the increased performance in multiplatform titles for higher resolutions, more stable frame rates and smaller added values.


In advance:

May I briefly know why you always report everything? With all due respect, I think that's pretty cowardly. We teach you that you are wrong, we don't insult you or do anything else.

And just because you no longer know what you want to write, do you beg the mods to delete it?

You are one…

Oh wow, the blatant argument, the hard drive has 21% more storage space. πŸ˜‚ It's just a shame that with a data throughput of 2.4 GByte / s it is not even half as fast as the PS5 (5.5 GByte / s).

Unfortunately, it is irrelevant, as that wouldn't do you any good with a full hard drive.

Riding around on specs, which differ only minimally, I actually only know from unteachable fanboys.

And that some people just come up with such "arguments", I actually only know from people who have no idea about this topic. Please what do you compare in technical matters? The weight and the color?

Well then, start evaluating, I'll be waiting here patiently.

Where the PS5 does better? With the best will, I don't know anything about that.

And do you find it a minor matter when the CPU clocks significantly better and the GPU provides a lot more power?

Then unfortunately I can't help you Fanboy either.

No, you are completely wrong with the penultimate argument.

A decent graphics card doesn't even exist for the XSX's RRP. In this respect you can get along quite well without a PC.

So, I have read your article through here, and I can neither take out strong arguments, nor can I hear technical arguments.

How about if you just sit down at your computer, open Google and compare the specs? Maybe then you will finally realize what nonsense you are talking about.

Your comment here. I quickly "saved"


May I briefly know why you always report everything? With all due respect, I think that's pretty cowardly. We teach you that you are wrong, we don't insult you or do anything else.

And just because you no longer know what you want to write, do you beg the mods to delete it?

I report comments that are irrelevant and provocative. If those responsible were of a different opinion, they would not delete them.

And "just because I don't know what to do next". πŸ˜„ It is simply too stupid for me to react to such simple-minded "arguments".

Unfortunately, it is irrelevant, as that would be of no use to you with a full hard drive.

This is on the level of "haha, your Ferrari won't do you any good if it's out of gas".

I have clarified things here countless times, underpinned them with facts and figures, but there are users who are virtually immune to any argument and then fail when they are proven wrong.

If you knew what nonsense, half-knowledge and lies I was confronted with here just to promote his little dream console, you would probably laugh yourself to death. πŸ˜„

And do you find it a minor matter when the CPU clocks significantly better and the GPU provides a lot more power?

No. I didn't say that. I said the differences are small. And here, too, you have to look carefully.

XSX: 52CU with a clock rate of 1.825GHz.

PS5: 38CU with a clock rate of 2.23GHz.

Those are two completely different approaches, which I don't deny that the XSX has more power here on paper.

And previous tests, which I have linked, confirm exactly what I predicted before the consoles came out. Namely that you practically don't see any differences. At least none that a human can see with the naked eye.

Do you know where else that was the case? In the last generation. (XSX / PS4 Pro). There the specs were significantly different, but differences in graphics and performance were still not discernible.

That's why I find it so incredibly childish to ride around on things like that. And since I've had such fanboy discussions here several times with other users, I'm only interested in factual discussions, which may also lead to something. In my experience, however, this is rarely the case.

No, you are completely wrong with the penultimate argument.

A decent graphics card is not even available for the XSX's RRP. In this respect, you can get along quite well without a PC.

Here, too, some reading comprehension would be appropriate. I wasn't saying you could get a better PC for the money you get for a console. I have said that someone who values high end graphics so much will not be able to ignore a PC.

Reading and understanding properly would make so many things so much easier. πŸ™ˆ That's why such discussions often get too stupid for me and my free time is too good for it somewhere.