Xbox One X wlan connection?

- in Xbox

Read on if you are really familiar with the Xbox One and its network connection.

Today I bought a used One X, started it and wanted to connect to the Wi-Fi. At first it didn't work the whole time, then suddenly it did. Whenever the WLAN works, it fails again after ~ 1-2 minutes. I've probably already gone through all of the error messages. I restarted the router, unplugged and plugged in my repeater, reset the Xbox to factory settings, manually entered an IP address and assigned a static address for the One from the router, given all permissions from the router (the Xbox One X is exposed host when even the firewall is off).

Does anyone know what could be the cause? Or do I have to reckon with a hardware defect that was concealed from me?


Tested once with the LAN cable? I think you have narrowed down the problem pretty well when other devices in the Wi-Fi can easily keep the connection near the Xbox.