Samsung TV very Hdmi port broken?

- in Xbox

I recently (approx. 2 weeks) took over my grandfather's television (Samsung, model: ka. Can I take a look if necessary, year of birth: 2011, was in active use). He had exchanged this after he said it was defective, only after my test only the power cable was broken and so I recorded it in my room. I got a wall bracket and 3m HDMI cable and connected it to my switch. I then watched a little Youtube for a week and occasionally played a couple of games. But last week on Friday (one day before I went on vacation) I plugged it into my Xbox. The TV very recognized that the cable was plugged in but said that it could not transmit a signal.

I thought that the reasonably priced HDMI cable was the reason for this and went on vacation with an order that had already been placed for another cable. But when I came back today I first plugged the old cable into one of my gaming monitors and it worked. So it couldn't be due to my xbox or the cable. I was easily finished but tried with full hope with the new cable, which unfortunately also failed. But then I met a tip on the Internet that said that you should pull out the power cable like all other cables and then press the power button on the remote control for 30 seconds and connect everything again. I followed these instructions but it didn't help with my problem.

Are there any other ways? Or did I make a mistake?

Or do I actually have to have it officially repaired?


It will not support the HDCP copy protection of the Xbox, or the set resolution, I suspect it has not received a software update since 2011 either.

If other devices work on the HDMI inputs then it is not because of the HDMI inputs but because of outdated software


Can I update this?


Or can it be because I have set the xbox to 120 Hz?


You have to check it out at Samsung, but I don't think they offer an update for the old TV


That can very well be possible


Okay alone with smart tv, I'm out. I'll try the resolution and if that doesn't help then I can still hopefully play switch.

Thank you for your help.

I have no idea about copy protection.



Has btw. Works with the 120 to 60hz. I'm just annoyed that I didn't think of it myself.

Thank you for your help.

The fortune cookie today at noon who said: "A problem we're going to resolve" was probably right😂.


I'm glad that it works now, greetings to you