Are you so bored with Ps4 / Xbox games?

- in Xbox

I have had a Ps4 for almost 4 years now. And now gaming on the console is just boring! Sony and Microsoft take all the fun out of the game and do not allow mods on the consoles. Like for example for DayZ where you can then set markings or for Gta v! I liked to gamble every day but now all games are just boring and when you play a multiplayer game you are only sweaty away by any 10 year old kiddis. It's just pathetic in my opinion. And what do I think of the Ps5 or the New Xbox, a dirty console with more power and just as boring dirty games? No thanks! What do you think? Am I the only one that makes today's consoles only sour?


Yes, I think the PC is much better there 1. Sony is selfish and is only after money in my opinion and Microsoft simply does not know what they are doing


No, because I'm not just playing online games.

Most of them don't really have any depth.

When I play like life is Stange, heavy rain, castlevania lords of shadow, the Witcher, borderlands games I have fun. Alone. Single player used to be standard


I actually like to play online games very much, but the fact that you then always play as if you were living or playing dead is just upsetting. How Z.b Gta V Roleplay how cool would that be on the console? But no Sony and Microsoft have to take the fun out of it.


Oh, how Microsoft doesn't know what they're doing?


I would say welcome to the PC. You can do whatever you want.


Ah how neutral.

1. Every company is out for money, that's why there are.

2. Sony sells its console below production value, they earn their money with their store and online subscription.

3. Microsoft is a huge company that knows what they are doing.

It is probably just not understandable for you, but I suspect that you simply have no idea what they are doing.


I'm a PC and a console player (Xbox), I mostly change what I'm currently using. I always play as long as I like with one and then change.


I think you just don't know what opinions are. I said that it looks to me that Microsoft has no idea, it doesn't have to mean that it looks like this to you.