Move Xbox games to PC and back again?

- in Xbox

I saved my Xbox 360 games on a USB but needed the USB stick. Then I dragged the Xbox games folder to the PC and after using the USB stick the folder was back on the USB. Now my problem is that the USB is no longer recognized by the Xbox, it is shown as "unformatted" in the memory. The installed games will of course not be recognized.

Do any of you have any idea how I can get the USB recognized again?

I formatted the USB after using it


Clap all your Xbox and Xbox 360 games and all associated data back to your PC, then plug the stick into the 360 and have it reset, if the 360 can still do that with the stick. If not, try to format it to Fat32 on your PC. Since the PC can't do this by default, you need a formatting program that can format sticks to Fat32. No Exfat, no NTFS, no anything else.

Note: USB 3.0 sticks DO NOT WORK on the Xbox 360. You can tell whether your stick has 3.0 by the connection of the stick, in the metal frame it is a plastic piece, if it is blue, or especially in a different color, it is a USB 3.0. If it is black, it is a USB 2.0, which should then be recognized by the 360.

Then, when everything is finished, you briefly insert the empty stick into the 360 to see if it recognizes it. If so, now pack all of your 360 content on the stick and put it on the 360. - If no, try to reformat it, if that still doesn't work after that, you should buy a new USB stick.


Thank you so much for your answer I will try but I'm confident