How big will the memory of the XboxSeriesS be?

- in Xbox

The Ux of the new Xbox is 200gb in size.

The XboxSeriesX has a total of 1tb - 200gb = 800gb of free space.

Would the XboxSeriesS seriously only have 300GB of free space? Because that would be the rip-off.

With the money you spend on the memory expansion you could then buy an XboxSeriesX directly.


The Series S has 476GB of which the OS will occupy approx. 185GB. So yes, only about 291GB will be free. That's exactly why the extra SSD is sold for 240 euro.


The Series has a 512gb SSD and the portion reserved for the UI and other features (e.g. Quick Resume) should be a bit smaller than the Series X, so it will probably not be 200gb.

The memory that can be used for games should be around 400GB.

However, the games should also be up to 30% smaller than on the Series X, since they do not require 4K textures.