Compassion and understanding or truth?

- in Xbox

You all know them. People who are themselves to blame for a misery and still wonder and get upset how it came about. Two examples:

A) Young mother complains that the kids are constantly yelling and getting intoxicated unless they use XBox or something similar. Allowed to play. But constantly blaring in howler monkey mode and throws her rules overboard and lets them play. Nevertheless, she wants more children.

B) Couple owns a dog with extreme hunting instinct. This is not leashed and runs away regularly. Now they have to pay for an accident caused by the dog. Mimimi follows. Silly dog mimimi. 3 days later he is still unleashed left. Likewise, he pees in the apartment and is completely out of control. You know that. But too comfortable and stubborn to change anything. Complain but how hard they have it.

So, would you pretend to sympathy and compassion, or would you turn on the dodge… Mode and take the inherent contempt and talk plain language? Especially since you already knew it before.

I have to say that any previous speech from all sides has never been successful. So you are relatively ignorant Stable. I opted for variant two. Brutal honesty. How would you deal with such persons? Regardless of the degree of relationship, acquaintances or friends.


Generally, I avoid such people / have no one in my immediate circle.

As you say, these are stubborn / comfortable people. Some people really do not know it better, but nowadays everyone can pick up the phone and google / get help on forums. In the past people would simply have been called "Asis".

In the matter with the child, I would probably intervene and try to be as cautious / subtle as possible how to react instead. But only because I feel sorry for the child.


Sometimes you need a piece of reality served. Seriously, it is inevitable when people complain, even though they are themselves to blame. Depending on how important the person is to me, I would explain it to her slowly and cautiously or just knock it out.


People are the way they are… I also know one of my family who does not recognize certain things… There's no point in telling them the truth directly… Some are totally insulted after that and do not want to talk and continue as they always have. I think it is better not to say anything and to meet as little as possible with theirs and if they keep coming back, then mab has to say clearly what you think without offending the person and keeping you away…

I think I'm aloof from people who complain and do not want or can't understand their responsibilities. (who can't, you should avoid) no matter if there are relatives or not. The quality of my life depends on if it does not help… There's no point getting upset yourself… That does not make it any better.

You can only change yourself and not others.