Why do most people want to get another Xbox Series X?

- in Xbox

Everyone can decide for themselves which console to get, I'm just curious.

But when a game developer says that the Ps5 will be the better console, then I think it's clear which console to get.

Of course there are good games like Fable just not for me, but apparently for others, forza etc. Or maybe not.

I just watched a 1 hour stream in which a game developer was talking to his colleagues about the new consoles to come.

He was already a game developer at Xbox Games and now he's switched to Playstation because he was treated much better there. He said that the better games come from the platform where the developers are treated better and that is clearly Playstation.

He said that the people at Xbox said, "You can either do what we tell you or you can find work elsewhere".

At Playstation he said everything would have been much freer and they were treated much better like family. He also covered the propaganda that the ps5 was having trouble running games at 4k 60fps. Bullshxt.

He also said that the number of teraflops are unimportant for the players and only important for the game developers. The only important thing for us are the games and Playstation has a clear advantage there.

Why are you still getting the xbox?


Because the PS5 will be much more expensive and 25% will lose their job in Germany in the medium term.


But if a game developer says that the Ps5 will be the better console

So far I've only read that the PS5 should be weaker and that it is much more difficult to adhere to certain fps limits than with the xbox.

But don't get me either. I have a PC and I don't need consoles.


I won't get the Xbox or the PS5 because both consoles are too poor in terms of performance compared to my PC. In addition, I grew up with a mouse and keyboard from childhood, I only use controllers for selected games at most.

There are other advantages as well, but the question asked doesn't count on that.


If the developer has switched from one manufacturer to the other, he will hardly make his new employer bad, right?


You can call yourself advantages here.


Are you Sony / Microsoft or how do you know which console will be more expensive?

The prices that have all been mentioned so far are just leaks and leaks are very often incorrect.

Why should 25% lose their job?


He was only comparing the employment relationship between Microsoft and Sony.

Sony gives you more freedom with your ideas and supports you much more.


How much did your pc cost, if I may ask?

I'm finished with the upgrade and want to be able to play the best games for little money. Pc is just not the right thing for everyone.


Somehow your answer seems a bit outrageous.
In several online shops prices have already been leaked that are not less than 600 euro for the PS5.
Microsoft will push prices below the console's value to take Sony market share away. But they'll get that back with the games.

In addition to the 25% who will become unemployed in the medium term within one year, one must consider:

3/4 of all restaurants are about to go bankrupt due to Corona!

All companies have massive declines in sales, including Mediamarkt Saturn. They are now being laid off en masse.

People will no longer buy expensive cell phones or cars either!


The Playstation will only have fewer teraflops, i.e. About 1.8 less, but as I said, this is only the problem of the game developer and not that of the player and the number of teraflops does not say so, according to the game developers. We can enjoy titles like The last of us, spiderman miles morales, ratchet and clank, god of war with ease.

How much did you pay for the pc?


Nevertheless, someone who has changed is never at ease


But really for everyone.


800 euro. But don't pay for the Internet (ps + and the like) and get the games much cheaper. Not to mention the thousands of exclusive titles.

In multiplatform games, the ps5 will look worse than the xbox.


I have one myself.

Mouse and keyboard is really cool no question about it, but I still use the controller for the PC. Long updates. Pcs on the same level as the Ps5 hardware are not exactly cheap.

You can play online for free and even equip your PC, but I still prefer Playstation.


Very interesting. I don't play any multiplatform games except Gta 5 anyway, so I can only hope that the leak that Gta 6 will be a pre-exclusive title is correct.


I imagine he could have done it out of revenge, but you can see how hard Sony tries to give their game developers the best they can. Mark Cerny computer game designer has traveled the world to visit several studios. He asked them what the most important thing would be to get the most out of a game and they replied ssd. Tada Sony installs the fastest SSD in the Ps5. Mark Cerny himself said that the most important people are the game developers, because they have everything they need to develop the games, the game can only be awesome, like Spiderman Miles Morales, Horizon 2 Forbidden West etc. He has also said in the stream "Road to Playstation 5"


Just by the name of the stream you can tell that the whole thing was a pure PS5 advertising event. Now do the same to Xbox and you will hear the same thing.


Probably not. I mean even the (few) ps4 "exclusives" come on the pc.


Sure, that was also a PS5 advertising stream. If I ask guerilla games they will hardly say that the playstation is bad. You can also ask Microsoft Game Studios about the xbox and ps and see what they say.


As it stands here 2400 euro. In addition to playing, I also use my PC to work. It looks nicer than a console like this and can be upgraded much faster than a console. It is also quieter than a console


Beating 2400 euro for a 600 euro console is a bit extreme. A PC is great for working, everyone can decide how it looks, I personally think the appearance of the Ps5 is extremely good.

I can definitely imagine that it is quieter than the Ps4, but the Ps5 will also be quieter, as the new consoles have better cooling strategies than their predecessors. I wouldn't mind if the console was just a little louder. My Ps4 slim is currently transforming into a triple Super Saiyan. Not nice.


That too, but you get them much earlier on the Playstation.


In principle, my PC is now not designed to be better than consoles. It is clear, but I need the line for rendering and video editing. Gaming is secondary, but also a point. Appearance was really important to me. In addition, a PC has a lot better ventilation due to its average size.

In addition, to write his homework on a console…
I also have a laptop, but it's not suitable for video editing.




To play there in 30fps with fixed settings? No thanks.


Which console are we talking about right now?

The Ps4 creates 1080p with 60fps.

The Pro manages upscaled 4k.


Who else should I ask?

The guy wasn't a fanboy, he was a developer with experience between the two companies.

Fanboys insult directly anyway.


Exactly, that's what I mean. As long as the reports don't come from a neutral source, you can knock everything in the bin. Nobody is going to pee on the leg of whoever sponsors him.


Maybe he wasn't a fanboy, but he was an advertising medium sponsored by Sony. As long as nobody has been able to test both consoles from a neutral point of view, everyone can claim what they want.

Let's take a blatant example: someone pays you a million and the next 5 years your summer vacation with your family at the place of your choice. All you have to do is claim on the internet that the Super Nintendo is the best console ever. I would have absolutely no qualms about claiming the wages


Yes, maybe she can do that in two games. Most of them run either in 1080p @ 30fps or in a lower resolution.


Are already a couple. I'm only disappointed with Gta 5, but that's why I have my pc.


If you can speak English, form your own opinion:


The specs speak for themselves in black and white and yesterday even more technical details were disclosed for the new Xbox, yes, ok, the SSD of the Ps5, that's it, but now I know how it looks, and Microsoft is geared towards xcloud and gamepass New than just riding around the tried and tested, the Ps5 will certainly be a bit louder and more expensive oh yes and the controllers of the PS4 only show respect for Ps 4 titles


I'll just give you a star