Why doesn't my 300Watt voltage converter for the cigarette lighter in my car make the Xbox One X, which uses 150Watt?

- in Xbox

Whenever I connect my Xbox one X to my 300W voltage converter in my car, which is connected to the 12V connection, the Xbox goes out and the voltage converter lights up red

DC converter:

Bestek 300 watts of pure sine waves


Also 300W output will be about 400W input, at 12 V you need a current of 400W / 12V = 33 A.

Board socket can't deliver that much, i.e. The 12 V break down


That's impossible.

On the one hand, the power consumption of the voltage converter depends on the connected device. If it has 150 watts, the voltage converter only consumes a little more than 150 watts of power.

Then the voltage does not break down if the socket is overloaded. Rather, the fuse would trip to prevent a cable fire, which apparently is not the case.


One can only assume that when the XBox is switched on, the power consumption is more than 600 watts, so that its protective circuit responds.

Even if you could operate it: you can't get more than 10A = 120Watt out of the socket. Your XBox is not suitable for the cigarette lighter socket.


300w voltage converter for the cigarette lighter? Where did you get it from? They are usually fused with 10A. It's called 120W. More is not possible.


Now it's not that impossible. Such a power amplifier usually has a power supply because it works with 230V. This will have the corresponding backup capacitor, which means that it draws a lot of current at first.
Now the question is whether the converter is recovering until the output stage is charged or if this is not enough.

My consideration would be if the power amplifier has 12 V DC internally that it is fed directly


Now I understand you. You mean that the voltage in the voltage converter breaks down.

Yes, I think so, too. See my answer:-)


I just assume the cable for your voltage converter is too long and too thin. Then the tension just breaks in, the converter goes into trouble. The contact resistance of your cigarette lighter plug will do the rest.

lg, Anna

PS: the car with the highest protection for the cigarette lighter that I know would be the mercedes A class of the 1st generation (W168) with 30 amps. The connector itself is definitely not designed for this! So it is better to firmly connect the converter. Ideally with a cable from the battery, just like you do with the auto power amplifier. I would recommend to lay the mass in the same way and either hang it on the earth strap with what goes from the battery to the checker or directly to the battery.