Connect console in the car?

- in Nintendo

Have seen in the media market so a part that you put in the cigarette lighter and on the other side a plug. Could one with such a part a console such. Use the Wii U in the car?


Yes, there's a charging cable for the car


You can use the battery power for everything. I like to charge my cell phone in the car.

Of course, if you drive yourself, a game console is taboo while driving.

When the engine is not running, you are unloading the battery with your console. May give problems when starting the engine.


You mean an inverter?

Can you do that? It should be kept in mind, however, that the socket in the car only delivers 10-15A, which limits the power output to 120-180 watts (Practically more 100-150W due to the losses of the inverter)

More powerful inverters are connected directly to a separate power line, which is designed and secured accordingly.

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