Hunter Call of the Wild 2019 Edition not all DLC's?

- in Xbox

Hello there I would have a question for you, and today I wanted to order The Hunter Call of the Wild 2019 Edition including 11 DLC's for Xbox One… 😊

But now I've read on the internet that some only have 4-5 DLC's in the game.

Back then I had already played The Hunter Call of the Wild 2017 without DLC's, this was really great but I sold it… πŸ˜‚

And when I now found out that there's now the 2019 edition with all the DLCs, I have to have it again, but should it really be that most of the dlc's are not there then it makes no sense and would be total prank. πŸ€”πŸ€£πŸ€£

These DLC's would be particularly important to me

Vurhonga Savanna
Medved taiga
Wild Goose Chase Gear
Duck and Cover Pack
Treestand & Tripod Pack
High-tech hunting pack
And then maybe DLC's weapons

Would be really cool if maybe one of you could help me there, and maybe that's also important I would only play this game offline no multiplayer… πŸ‘πŸ˜Š πŸ™ˆπŸ€£

Kind regards

Hunter Call of the Wild 2019 Edition not all DLC s

It is correct that only 5 add-ons, including a weapon package, are included.

Which I will not pick out now and write it down here.

But you can watch the game in the Microsoft shop. All additional content is also listed there.


Ok then I don't quite understand it, the internet says that all published dlc are included in this game, and the game also includes 11 DLC's, so why only 5 and the others have to be bought again. πŸ€”

Can you at least tell me if the high seats are there and the ducks. πŸ™πŸ˜Š


You should actually have a look yourself, but here you have the corresponding link.

Now everything should be cleared up.


I watched it myself, but that is not exactly what I mean, what I have ordered now there's large and clearly INCLUDED 11 DLC's on the front of the case

And in the description where I ordered it says.

The Hunter - Call of the Wild - Edition 2019 contains the main game, all previously released DLCs and the "Vurhonga Savanne"

So if there's 5 DLCs on the front of the case, why are there only 5, that's fooling around or not. πŸ€”πŸ˜•πŸ˜‚



I bought the game now, and it actually only contains 4 DLCs + the main game. πŸ€”

But ok, don't worry, I bought the DLC Treestand & Tripod Pack on the Xbox one in the Microsoft Store and installed it. πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

And when I go to Manage Games and Addons now, the DLC is there, but you can't find it in the game itself in the store. πŸ€”

I play the game offline, so I'm only online for a short time to download dlc because it only had 10 Mb. 😁

I will be offline immediately afterwards to avoid the update that is 50Gb in size, maybe it is because you need the update or whatever. πŸ€”?

I would be very happy if you could help me again.


Well if the or just an add on has to be downloaded or at least a patch that makes it playable then you should do the download.

Since I don't know the game, of course I don't know any more than you.

But basically I would download the update.


Ok great then I have to thank you. πŸ‘πŸ˜Š