In love and married?

- in Xbox

I've been with a single parent father of a 9 year old girl for three years, and we've been married for almost a year.

I love him very much, but I also have to say that my husband is very very difficult.

He is very comfortable, to say the least! He leaves me household, child ect completely alone. For this he prefers to play permanently with his mobile phone or with the Xbox. I could now tell a whole novel, but that's not the point…

My stepdaughter goes to the communion every two weeks, and every Sunday she has to go to church, and although I've only seen our young parish representative three or four times and talked to him, I feel like I've fallen in love with him,

Of course he does not know about it, nor does my family, but my husband realizes that I'm different. I block off his kisses, and I'd rather be alone.

The young man can't get out of my head. All day I think about him. I have no idea if I should go to church on Sunday, even if I would like to see him every day, and what will happen only on white sunday?!

Please tell me what I can do and how to behave towards my husband


Become aware of what that is, what do these feelings actually mean. Are you just dissatisfied with your life and dreaming of something new in front of you how beautiful it could be? I mean you only saw him so your feelings are superficial.

Maybe it's enough that your husband tries again something that you feel valued. Talk to him what makes you unhappy about his behavior. After such a long time it may be a bit 'rusty' and you want some excitement.

Maybe you also wish that your husband suspects something and acts independently, suddenly buzzing around you what brings fire back into love. I would rely less on that. Try not to blame him for talking to him about your relationship.


Seen and I once talked to him. Also, I'm friends with him in Fb, and constantly look at his profile picture


I would like to send you an introduction to the topic of love:

Love is the decision to contribute to the well-being of the partner within the framework of its competences.

So, in advance, I miss clues in your report that show that your partner loves you. Maybe your partner is not difficult, but rather PC or XBox addicted. Addictions, whether through alcohol or drugs or PC, destroy any relationship.

I suspect that you long for a love in which not only you give, but also are loved. And words are not enough for that.

For that reason, I recommend that you consider your husband as an alcoholic. And there's only one thing to do: draw drastic limits and if necessary go to an addiction therapy. If you can't motivate your husband to do so, you should split up (==> do not divorce) so he realizes that your desire to change is serious.

I'm convinced: If your husband will play with you instead of with the XBox, you will be able to take a nice but distant behavior to the community officer.


It is not easy to guess because we do not know you, your own childhood and your relational experiences. Therefore here only one experience, the m.E. Often applies:

Anyone who is not allowed to live out their own needs with the partner and is too shy or weak to demand them clearly is susceptible to others, but NICE people.

NETT means, for example: eye contact in conversation, empathy, kindness, affection, give trust, be open, want to help.

And: the less there's to be accepted, recognized, loved - the greater the longing and projection to other people can become!


Be careful with remote diagnostics!

Gambling addiction exists but we do not have enough information about actual consumer behavior here.

Certainly, this possibility exists but disinterest or wear of the relationship is also quite plausible.


I'll just say it like this:

Do you Really have feelings for the other man that goes beyond raving then leave your husband, no matter what the other person feels for you. Because if you feel love for another man, you do not love your husband. But beware, I'm talking about bringing serious feelings to the other one.

Or you talk to your husband. Tell him that you have been unhappy for some time, that you want more closeness and time with him. First, give your husband the chance to see how you are. If it is important to him then he will make an effort and if you are happier by his side the 'feelings' for the other will surely decrease.


The answer is really great!

Can you marry Am AmbulanceKarla