New console also new monitor?

- in Xbox

I want to get the new Xbox soon but don't know which monitor to get.

I currently have a 1080p with 60 Hz but want either a 4K monitor with 60Hz or a 1080p monitor with 120Hz because I think 4K and 120Hz would be too expensive for me.

Do you know a cheap monitor for 100 euro-200 euro?

Or is the monitor enough that I have?


First sentence, first mistake. Get the Ps5


It won't manage a real 4K or more than 60Hz anyway, but don't get a PC for another monitor.


That's not the point, I won't get a PS5 because I want my games on the new Xbox too.


The new Xbox is even 8k ready


But won't make it.

Even a 2000 euro PC can't do that.

4k just as little. If only at 30 FPS.


The console creates 4K in 60 fps, no idea why you don't want to believe that, but find out more online


Will be enough


Since the consoles don't come above 60fps, you won't need a 120hz monitor. 4k is unnecessary too.


No, because the Xbox gives you more power than the PS5. A PC would always be best.


No. She certainly won't manage that.

And if only in games that don't need a lot of power, such as Minecraft.


The Series X already manages 4k and 60 FPS in some games du Troll.


But she manages it easily.

A Cod, Gears 5 or Forza Motorsport is already running on the One X with 4k at 60 FPS.


Do not listen to him. A typical PC fan who thinks his platform is the only real one to play with.


Second sentence, a mistake.

It was about a monitor for the Xbox, not the console question.


With the FPS you will have to wait, although 60 seems sufficient to me.

4k is absolutely awesome on a big picture. From 50 inches it is definitely worth it.


That depends on where your requirements are.

The new consoles probably manage 120 FPS. In addition, minimum 4k with HDR.

If you want to use all of this you need a new monitor.

Under 50 inches, 4k is unnecessary because you can hardly see it or not at all. The pixel density is much greater in a smaller picture.


Yes exactly with: "some" games.

Something like Minecraft.

But definitely not in games like Fortnite Rainbow etc.

And if only in: "Fake 4k"


No for games that I have already mentioned in another comment. And this is native 4k on a current One X.

On the Series X this is easy to do.

Even if you don't want to admit it. Time to upgrade your PC.


The consoles only scale you up.

And for the price of 250 euro for a ps4, you can't possibly get 4k at 60fps.


@JMJreboot Find the whole thing with him also pretty pointless, if he has no idea about it he should inform himself. Probably his expensive PC won't make it because he has installed the wrong component and thinks "If my PC can't do that, no one else can do it"



They all didn't understand the question - instead of answering the question about a monitor, they just talk about their platform and how good it is


But only in fake "4k": D Still.

Tell me how a 300 EUro console can do that if it doesn't even pack a graphics card for 300.


Just because you have no idea and only have one Ps4, etc.

What wrong parts. For the 300E, I don't even get a graphics card that can do it.


Yes, unfortunately it is always teeming with small spirits and fanboys who are not able to answer questions objectively.


Sorry but the missing clue is up to you.

Neither will I explain to you in detail which games run on which console with native 4k, nor the connections between the market economy.

I also have a PS4 pro and an Xbox One X.


No, the ones I mentioned do not scale. Hence also native / real 4k. For example, what Gears 5 does is adjust the resolution dynamically.

My goodness if you have no idea then you should just hold back. Or inform yourself properly.

A PS 4 for 250 euro was never mentioned here.

And now continue crying elsewhere.

It's not my fault that your overpriced PC with a bunch of jumbled components can't do that.


Here you get a detailed explanation of how a game runs on the various systems.

And here you can see what an Xbox One X is capable of without having to spend a thousand euro or more.

BTW a PS4 pro and One X costs around 400 euro.

But I'm not going to write a monologue about pricing for high sales volumes or the advantages of fixed hardware architecture.