Socket too much voltage?

- in Xbox

I have to use a 16-way multiple plug, the only problem is the socket is too far away, so I would have to use an extension cable.

So an extension cable would lead from the socket into the multiple socket, in which many devices, such as PC, Xbox One X, television, 250W soundbar and some other multimedia devices, would mean there's a lot to do, now I'm just afraid that the overloads leads, if the devices were running at the same time, do I have to worry?


Look at your multiple socket and your extension. It says how much power the max can do. If there are any of 16A or 3680W, you needn't worry. If not, then I would rather buy a sensible multiple socket (is basically a recommendation)

Sometimes it makes more sense to distribute the load over several sockets. Fortunately, TV and console consume hardly any electricity these days. PC has become much more efficient.


Only have 3 sockets in the room, which makes the whole thing so difficult, purely from the range, only one can actually be used for my project, hence the extension cable.

I would get this multiple socket:,p-1391000916,l-google-prd,pd-b2c.html

Extension cable:


Unfortunately, none of the max. Current / power that can be pulled from the socket, but it looks reasonable and Brennstuhl is also a good brand. Must test work.


Some multimedia devices are usually not a problem, they rarely draw below 2kW and that should be possible with any multiple socket.

But just add up the performance of all devices. It is on the devices anyway, if it is below 2000W you have no problem.

Btw extending a power strip with the loop impedance is something to enjoy with caution comes soon on the LS, so keep the cable as short as possible. But usually it shouldn't be a problem if the sockets are in good condition.


Most commercially available cables and multiple sockets for home use are designed for a maximum current of 16A!

For the simple reason that usually 16A fuses are installed in the fuse box.

The voltage is 230V.

However, one should not fully use this 16A (corresponds to about 3600W at 230V mains voltage).

Corrosion leads to contact resistance in the contacts, in which the current is converted into heat.

Say 'this thing is getting warm'

The same applies to the cables, if they become warm, performance is lost and there's a risk of fire.

The distribution to several sockets only makes sense if they are protected by their own fuses (which is not the case in most houses)!

Basically, I see no problem here, unless you have a 1000W amplifier or similar as a multimedia device.


So I wanted to ask if it is really easy to extend the multiple socket…

The only alternative would be a multiple socket, which already has a long cable, but I hardly find it on the Internet, because it would need 16 slots and the cable should be around 10m.


In fact, I connect a 250W Soudnbar that I forgot to list, do you think that could lead to problems?


And the extension from socket to multi-plug, does that make a problem?


No not true!

The manufacturers' statements are usually far over the top and mean the maximum performance for fractions of a second.

Problems only arise through continuous performance.


Thank you very much, then I can put the whole thing in without any problems, just wondering if the whole thing could overheat or something.


As long as the cables and multiple plugs are not corroded (lumpy) are not!

In case of doubt, always pay attention to heat development!


Ok that's violent.

16 places is generally not as common anymore. As I said, I think that it will not be a problem, but it depends on the condition of the socket and the built-in LS.

However, you must not overload the socket, so first calculate the connected load and then say how much it is.