Signed in to Xbox Live on the office PC? Now screen from home PC?

- in Xbox

I wanted to download a digital version of an Xbox game yesterday. So I signed in to the Xbox Live Windows Dashboard. Suddenly the wallpaper of my PC was seen on my working PC from home. It's like accessing my home PC from work. Now I have already logged out. But the wallpaper can still be seen. I don't have the problem with that now. But I'm a little worried that now others who use my work PC can access data from my home computer. Or was it just the wallpaper that was simply pulled over?


If you register with a Microsoft account, it will bring the wallpaper over. Nobody can access the other PC. Only things that are in the onedrive and mails can be read while you are logged in with them.

How did you do it? Is the PC not in the domain in the company network?

In principle, it is sufficient if you simply change the wallpaper again


I have no Idea. Windows 10 automatically has the Microsoft Live App on the PC. Joa and at home I also play remote on my PC, even though the console is in the living room. If the woman just wants to watch TV and I would like to gamble.
And yesterday I wanted to quickly buy a game as a digital version because it was on offer. So I logged in at work on my PC (I also have Win10 here) and when I was finished, the wallpaper was suddenly there that I also have on my home PC.