Youtube / Twitch leaves the office alone?

- in Twitch

Already had at least 10 jobs - including a technical qualification and an apprenticeship. Everything did not go well for long. The longest was 9 months. The shortest was several times 1-4 days. Mentally it pulls me down so much that I can hardly sleep and have endless pain. Then also diarrhea and the like.

It just won't work. The office saw that two years ago and said "then go into business for yourself if you can't get along with bosses and it just doesn't work out"

At the moment I don't feel like anything but Youtube / Twitch. A lot of people do that - professionally and I can do the manual work. I even made good money over 9 months, but had to stop because of the lack of time (Fachabi) - because you need all the time for that.

Besides the training, nothing was going on now. Came home tired in the evening and fielded like a stupid for 700 euro and couldn't build anything on the side. The few hours are simply not enough for that. You have to hustle 24/7.

Should I propose that to the office? Will they leave me alone then?

So basically: I don't want any more job offers because I want to start my own business as a web video producer and live commentator / entertainer. So in the entertainment industry. Of course, I would also register a trade directly. For the first / second year I would state that the profit is under 9,000 and that's it.

Is the? So I would at least pay taxes for the foreseeable future and finally do something that I can imagine and where I'm not physically restricted + have no boss.

The alternative is to just do nothing. Would that really be better for the office? I think I can put a trade subsidy out of my head for sure.

Yes, I mean it. I want to do it seriously.


I don't know now how the office thinks about YouTube or the like, but if you have already held out a maximum of 9 months with 10 positions… Somehow I see a little black when there's so little stamina. And it should be clear to everyone that you don't earn much in training. During my apprenticeship I had a lot less than 700 euro out ^^

independent = independently and constantly

This is not easy and you have more to do than "just" what you want to show / offer / produce. All of the bureaucracy comes on top of that. You shouldn't underestimate that.


I know how the bureaucracy works. Do not worry. I'm also ready to plow for it, because I know that I plow FOR ME and that I enjoy it.


But how is it that you sometimes only lasted for 4 days somewhere? That can't just be due to the others?


I don't get along with the world of work. It just doesn't work mentally. I immediately get sleep problems, depressive states, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc.


Have you ever been to a smaller, family company? I could imagine that it might be in small companies. Better is possible. Otherwise, even if you should start your own business, I would still speak to a doctor. Because it is not normal (and that is absolutely not meant in an evil way).


My doctors have been accompanying this for 10 years. It's cold coffee for them too, but what should I do with it?


If you want to do this as your main business, you have to get independent health insurance → it costs.

Then of course you have to disclose all finances to the tax office, no idea whether you can do that, a tax advisor → costs

Do you want to make so much money overnight that you can make a living from it? → unlikely.

You can't be monetized overnight on Youtube or Twitch Affiliate / Partner / either. You're not making any money in these months alone.

But you can always register something like this as a secondary trade. Do a job, do Youtube / Twitch as a hobby and register it as a sideline. And if at some point it's really worth it, stop working and turn it into a main trade.


Oh dear. That doesn't sound good.


So the office wouldn't support me with the project? I don't want any subsidies - just the standard rate to bridge the gap.


What does support mean? If you think you can manage without the employment office, then they don't care. They only want to refer you because you get money from them.

Basically, what you do is stand on the street with a guitar and hope that enough money will come in


That is not the same. I can do it by hand and if you stick with it, it works. When is the matter, of course, but it shouldn't take forever until the first amounts come in. I just have to live this time somehow.


Then do it. It's your decision.