Good used car with affordable partial coverage for novice drivers?


I'm looking for a good used car because I want to buy it in installments during my apprenticeship. The partially comprehensive insurance should not be too expensive.

I'm looking for a car with the following characteristics:
130 - 180 ps
4 - 5 doors
At least 4 places
125,000 KM max
less than 7l / 100km would be good
Not older than 10 years (2011+)
Price between 7000 and 9000 euro (48 months installment)

Which car models can you recommend to me?


I've made the experience that so much horsepower is not necessary, and I also find installment payments for a used car not exactly positive.

It is much better to have a car where cash is paid (paid is paid) and if there's an accident (hopefully only property damage) it is not that bad. You can replace sheet metal, a year-long down payment would only burden you unnecessarily.


You should first clarify whether your bank will grant you an installment loan as a trainee.