Are most of the new video games coming out exclusively in German synchro?

- in Nintendo

Was a passionate fan of video games as a child. When the seriousness of life started with my studies and my job, I gave it up completely (how could I?!). Since the corona pandemic has given me a lot of unwanted free time, I want to get a PS4 & the Nintendo Switch. For inspiration, I watch YouTube walkthroughs of games that I adored at the time (e.g. Final Fantasy, Resident Evil). But what do I notice? They are all dubbed in German! Is that almost always the case or can you choose which language you want to play in at the start of the game?

I used to learn so much English through video games (frankly more than in boring school classes) simply because they were dubbed in English. Don't get me wrong: I don't want to devalue German. I would like it if there was less Denglisch in everyday life (sometimes I laugh myself dead, what new language creations there are). But when it comes to video games, I just think English is better. I can't really say why. It's like that!


Yes I can understand.
Only English is the real thing.

for titles that you have listed, you can assume that you can select the language.


You can usually choose this yourself in the options or in a launcher. But there are still enough games that only have English synchro and German subtitles.


You can almost always choose in which language you want to play the game. But there are also games that only offer English voice output and optional German subtitles e.g. Life is Strange.


Of course you can also choose English as your language. Red Dead Redemption and GTA (?) Are still in English today.


That depends heavily on the game and the scene.

JRPG's like Tales of are usually only available with English settings and German texts / subtitles.

For very well-known titles (Final Fantasy), German localization has been used for about 3 years. See FF15 and FF7 remake.

However, titles like Gta and Red dead Redemption remain in English.

So it's rather mixed. English still plays a big role as a gamer.