Why not let items pay for?

- in Nintendo

Today my wife fulfilled a wish for me and herself: she ordered a Ps4 for me from Volkner and a Nintendo Switch for herself from Hood.de! With both she indicated Pay Pal installment payment. With the Ps4 everything worked. Confirmation in Pay Pal installment payment everything perfect. With the Switch the following problem is she wants to go into the app to complete the purchase and the message Add bank account or credit card. Her bank account is rejected if entered. It is not due to an overdrawn account and Schufa has a positive one. In both cases, PayPal has agreed to an installment payment. What can you do?


Deposit credit card otherwise that was it.


She doesn't have a credit card and her account is always full


But PayPal is not interested in that. And nowadays, partly completely free of charge, getting one is not a big problem.


It doesn't matter whether the bank account is overdrawn or not. They just want a credit card.


In such cases, PayPal also requires a credit card for security reasons.

This is to ensure payment, because PayPal can't see whether you really have enough money in your bank account.

As an alternative, it could work if you pull the amount from the connected bank account as a credit into the PayPal account. Then PayPal sees that there's enough money available.