How can I convince my parents to buy a Nintendo Switch?

- in Nintendo

Hi folks I'm 12 I and my sister (7) want a switch Our parents don't allow us none Although we got them I write good grades and help a lot in the household. I have a PS4 and a cell phone that I don't want to sell. We May they not wish us for their birthday or Christmas. How can I convince my parents to buy a Nintendo Switch? And Please NO ANSWERS LIKE: If your parents say no, then please do not do such answers


Save money. You and your sister can pool the money and buy a switch!


Nothing else except the switch. So you have to buy them. Always talk about it and paint on the wish list.


We're not allowed


Where should the money come from? Small change from the sofa crack?


That will not work


Yes, they don't want to mess up Christmas by not buying anything.


I know how my parents tick


Ok, if you know everything better, you don't have to ask here. What kind of answers should come if you know how they tick?!


Haven't you asked the question more often? The sentence structure and the wording seems familiar to me. But I can give you a tip: You won't get a switch from the constant inquiries here. You should clarify everything else with your parents.


If you argue with your parents like that, I'm not surprised that they don't buy you. How about saving yourself and then buying?


Just accept it, your parents can't conjure up money out of nowhere and maybe want to treat themselves.

Having a smartphone and a PS4 at your age is a lot in my opinion, so just be thankful instead of complaining, and maybe use the time to work on your German.


It doesn't get me any further I deserve it


What for German? ^^: P manners and modesty would not hurt either. Was glad when I was allowed to play something on my PC with the age and not only had to practice 10-finger typing (for what it was purchased).


That's your view of things, not your parents', and even if: Where do you think the money comes from? It's not your job to give you everything you want, but to educate yourself.


I have to say I'm a little shocked. You are still very young and already have a cell phone and a PS4 and you still want a console? I'm speechless, your behavior is just brazen.

You mean you deserve it, with good grades and that you help a lot in the household - but you already know that the grades only affect you, right? If you write bad grades, you have to watch how you make money later in life.

And you help in the household because you expect something for it? I wouldn't give you anything. You help in the household to support your parents and learn something for later life and not to get something for it, especially not something expensive.

Your sister doesn't have to have any media consumption at all, or at most one hour a day. Just be satisfied with the PS4. Or sell them and give the money to your parents, maybe they'll buy you the switch with it.

Life is unfair. From nothing, comes nothing. You have to make sacrifices and do something yourself. Keep PS4 - no switch. Sell PS4 - possibly a switch. It's that simple. One console in the household is all it takes. After all, your parents have to pay for it and it's not (!) Cheap. Well, and if you don't want to do that, you've been unlucky and have to wait until you make money yourself.

By the way: your parents are not dishonorable, but very tolerant. It's just anti-social and ungrateful that you call them that, even though they allow you and your sister so much! In their place, I would drastically limit your media consumption. Key cell phone, no internet access and PS4 only 2 hours a week - under supervision. Until you learn to be thankful for what you have (and learn grammar and spelling).