Convince parents of buying a console?

- in Nintendo

I'm 14 years old and would like to buy a Nintendo Switch Lite / birthday wish.

However, my parents are strictly against video games and I'm only allowed to play on my cell phone for 30 minutes a day.

How can I convince my parents to own a console?

(I would like to play Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but even on my phone I can only play games that do not contain "violence")


Buy it yourself or best get a computer and play an emulator on it so that you can play the ROMs


You can't convince them. Find other hobbies.


Persistently plead with you several times a day and tell you that there are studies that prove that playing speeds up cognitive processing times in your head


The parents aren't that stupid. And they won't be impressed by the howling of a 14-year-old.


Therefore pushing forward, days, weeks, months, years


It will only make matters worse. The parents simply switch to pulling through.


It's like war, then you just have to take other measures. For example, being '' sick '' for a week or refusing to go to school, going unprepared for an exam and announcing this to the parents beforehand. No more tidying up the room. No longer want to eat with the parents. Listen to loud music regularly. I can think of many things.


If your parents are strictly against video games, that's another leap to a console. First clarify why they have something against it. And depending on what they say, you can try to convince them otherwise. It takes a while, but with patience it works. Under no circumstances stress. I was also able to convince my parents of many things. Often the parents have no idea about the whole thing.


Sure, he's just buying a console when he's 14. You know the parents can give that back and he gets a lot of trouble too?


They are all pretty stupid and, above all, childish things that especially harm you! When the music is loud, the fuse is turned out.


Then they call the green wagon and you will be instructed.


Yes, if that's the price, i would take that. Then it just breaks and I then inform the relatives how bad my parents were to me.


So, I've never heard anything more counterproductive in my life.