How to convince parents to buy Switch?

- in Nintendo

I recently asked a similar question about how to explain to my parents that I want to buy a Nintendo Switch.

I know that nothing bad can happen, asking does not cost anything, but I'm generally very shy / reserved when it comes to such questions as to whether I can buy something expensive, or I'm almost ashamed to want to buy something expensive, even though I already have it extremely long wishes.

Well, the thing is, I don't know how to ask my parents. When I say to them at lunch table "Hey, I want to ask you something", I almost can't get the question out. I'm secretly annoyed with myself, how can you be so cowardly, I would buy the Switch myself, not gamble too much, etc., I would have good arguments for the Switch and would try to handle it well.

But if I manage to touch on the topic "I would like to buy something", I will not dare to say "I would like to buy a switch with my own money". I just can't get it on the line. I don't know why I'm so scared of saying it. I would only buy the Switch in a few weeks anyway, so that it doesn't look outrageous that I buy it immediately for Easter.

I'm so afraid of it, and then I don't come across convincingly, and my parents are angry because I want to spend a lot of money on a console and a game world that is foreign to them. I can understand them, but I have been saving on them for years and wish them so much, but I dare not say anything.

Would someone have tips etc. How can I possibly address the whole thing calmly? Without getting in trouble?

Hope you understand everything, vill is a little confusing…


Buy it yourself… Or at least contribute a part to it. And also all the games you want. Or just wait until Christmas or your birthday if it wasn't already.


I plan to pay for it myself anyway, but I still have to ask my parents for permission beforehand… And that's exactly what I don't trust…


How old are you?




Then you could come up with the shaky argument that you have to learn to handle your money slowly. And if it turns out to be a bad buy, it's more or less your problem, but whether that works… I don't know.


I'll give it a try.


Otherwise you could just (classic) promise that you would do more in the household and something like that. But if you do, you really have to do it. Empty words are useless.


I know that too well! Sometimes I mumbled to myself and then asked "yes or no?" Or I just hummed in front of my parents, wondering whether to ask them or not. But trust me, it's worth it! If you're lucky, they'll even help you pay for the console. Why should they mind? As long as they're not the strict parents who are skeptical of the internet and consoles and are afraid of rays, you don't have to worry. After all, you want to buy the console from YOUR money! So don't be afraid, because you can't make a mistake. Just inhale and exhale deeply and then start talking. If you've already started, you can't just say nothing. You will want to know what you want. My parents often know that I want something when I'm in their presence for a long time and just do nothing. If you have wanted to buy a switch for years, you should understand it. And believe in yourself a little bit more. You can't know what will happen until you try.