What if Microsoft buys Sony and Nintendo?

- in Nintendo

What if Microsoft buys Sony and Nintendo?


Then hopefully there would only be 1 game console with all games instead of 3 different ones


Then there's Super Mario with Windows 11 👍


Then the new consoles would simply be inexpensive mini pcs from mass production. The price would increase enormously without competition


Pahaha yeah awesome 😂


Then there would be fewer console manufacturers, but more Xbox models.

And with that, the console market would die, as there would only be one manufacturer who freely presents the prices.

In the end, the PC Masterrace would laugh up their sleeves.


Why should the console market please die?

Pc is Pc

Console is my dear console


A monopoly market would arise. However, this would probably not last very long, because corporations such as Google, Apple, Amazon & Facebook could participate and bring out their own consoles, which then would not be up to the Microsoft consoles is probably clear.

Microsoft had plans to buy out Nintendo in the days before the original Xbox. One said to them: "You have Mario and we have new techniques, so why not run Mario on these techniques?" That nothing came of it is probably clear to everyone. However, Microsoft and Nintendo are very close at the moment and are working together on a wide variety of projects.

The rumors that Microsoft wanted to buy Sony were initially a big shock to me, but it quickly became clear that nothing would come of it. Sony & Microsoft could benefit a lot from this, but then one would probably have to push the Playstation brand onto black ice. Microsoft will likely never buy Sony. They will continue to be business partners. Yes! Sony and Microsoft are business partners. They exchange ideas, Microsoft is offering Sony the Azure Cloud for Playstation Now and the general server structure of Sony is to be reinforced by Microsoft.


Since there would be no more competition. In the medium and long term, the MS consoles would be less innovative but always more expensive…
This would make the market smaller and the games developed more for PCs, which would result in lower quality games appearing on the MS consoles.
In the end, the console market would die.


Well, very far away


Then maybe I could finally go to the Buggy Playstation Store without getting kicked 10 to 20 times. Honestly. The PS4 in the Nat Type 3 (strictly for Xbox) is really extremely susceptible to properly communicating with the sony servers. One reason why I hardly ever use the PS4 after buying it.

I can just see that it is covered in dust, I should clean it up…


Haha. Sony Wi-Fi 6 doesn't help either.