Microsoft Xbox buys Bethesda. Should Sony counter?

- in Xbox

Xbox has bought Bethesda Studios and the games will now be there exclusively.

Should Sony counter it? It would certainly celebrate if Sony would now buy Take Two with the Rockstar Games or make CD Projekt Red and the games Playstation exclusive.


Xbox has bought Bethesda Studios and the games will now be there exclusively.

Exclusive only there it will very likely not be a couple of titles yes, but when The Elder Scrolls 6 comes it will run on both consoles + PC

Sony doesn't have to counter that they have enough exclusive titles + the Marvel contract


If Sony doesn't start countering slowly, things will look bad for Sony! I don't think there will be a new Doom, Wolfenstein, The Elder Scrolls etc. For Playstation, that's Microsoft's tactic!


As long as the games continue to appear on PC, I don't care


Counter-question: What should Sony counter-attack with? MS is so gigantic that they could pay for it from the postage and add EA and Activison with the change.

Sony could still have one or the other studio, or a smaller publisher, such as Buy Capcom, but they don't have the financial means for such mega deals.

Take a look at the statistics on the value of the various companies in the 4Players video, then you will probably understand the relationships correctly first: