My sister is stealing from me?

- in Nintendo

My sister (1.5 years younger than me) has been stealing things from my room for several months.

To the background: We always got on well as children and did a lot with each other. In elementary school she stole my things and hid them, but when my parents caught them, she promised never to do it again.

Today we're 14 and 16 and about three years ago I noticed that things keep disappearing from me, but they were just little things like notebooks and when I asked unobtrusively about them (eg "Maybe one of you saw this red notebook that I bought recently? ") it reappeared shortly afterwards. I already knew it was her, but I didn't care because there was never anything missing.

Then about a year ago, she started stealing more from me. Rings, scarves, Nintendo games, maybe money. So things that are already noticeable when they are missing. She then carried some of these things herself and when I asked where she got it from, she always said she bought it when she was shopping with her friends.

Now it got more extreme two or three months ago and she also steals my clothes. You have to know that we're not the same size, so she can't even wear it herself. In addition, the things she takes are often shirts with quotes on them or dresses with a striking pattern, so it would be noticed if she suddenly wore them. At first I thought that these are only about 5 pieces that she stole from me, but when she was with her boyfriend the day before yesterday I checked and found a lot more than I thought.

If I ask her about it, she denies it and if I just take things back while she's gone, she steals them back. Do you have any ideas why she's doing this? And what can I do about it? How do I tell my parents about it?


Let the parents read your question.

lock your room.

does she only steal from you or at school or in shops?


Sit down together and ask your parents if they know where the things have gone. Then you will see how the sister reacts.


I can't find that with my own sister either. Take all your things back, sniff them properly, tell your parents, and lock the door


If I were you, I would intervene because your sister seems to have a real problem. If you don't do anything about it now, she may steal from stores at some point and get caught sometime.

Make a list of things that are missing from your room, put all of you together and discuss it together as a family. Something has to be done.


Talk to your parents, your sister has some problem

either with yourself or with you.

There's some reason why she does this

only conversations or a therapist can help.