Who to contact - family problems (brother with epilepsy)?

- in PlayStation

Briefly summarize it.

my brother (26, approx. 150 kg) suffers from an illness called epilepsy. Every time he gets this he loses consciousness, falls down, screams really loud and makes scary noises that make you scared even as an adult.

Of course, my sister (10) gets scared and I'm so sorry for her that she notices it every time. My heart is bleeding. I don't know what to do either. He's had this disease for a very, very long time and we have endured it for a very, very long time.

What should I do? I want to take legal action somehow because my father / mother doesn't want to look for another apartment or want to split up. Somebody has to leave the apartment or either my brother has to leave or my sister has to go with someone, otherwise my sister will continue to suffer and most likely get trauma as a result.

I mean, when I was as young as her, I had to see it too. And look how long it has been going on now. He doesn't really care about his health either. He stays up late at night, during the day he sleeps, smokes, drinks energy, is really only gambling on his cell phone / ps4. This is unbeliveable.

He has felt these attacks more than 100 times. How do I proceed in court so that my parents check that my sister can no longer live in these circumstances?


You can't get that in court. Only an open conversation helps. There are drugs for epilepsy, is he being treated for this disease?

And a 10 year old can understand what an epileptic seizure is. But if he is properly medicated, he does not have to have any more seizures, or significantly less


I think you are NOT of legal age and it is none of your business. Would you like to be excluded from your family if you were the one who is sick. Your brother can certainly take medication - because pilepsy doesn't have to be so noticeable these days. Why is he not being treated properly? - Your parents could ensure that he comes to a residential group where he can live under supervision.

Your sister will not experience a trauma, she knows why your brother screams so and if not, then she explains properly - she is 10 and no longer 1 year old - you can take the child out if such an attack happens. So there are possibilities.

The most important thing is that your brother comes to a reasonable doctor and he will be treated accordingly.


So regardless of you, your brother should urgently change his way of life, eat better, lose weight and take medication for epilepsy! Apparently he has no work and no goals in life. I would recommend psychotherapy for support.

I can imagine that an epileptic seizure is not very nice for the relatives, but to be honest, I don't understand that you are traumatized by it. It's just a chronic disease that can occasionally lead to seizures.


And it's none of your business
I don't understand why you write something like that…


I think your keyboard is broken. It reads terribly. You put a space AFTER the comma and not before it and… Yes.


A seizure like this can look terrifying, I've already seen something like this with a friend and was shocked, I have to admit.

But something like that can be adjusted with medication?

It is difficult for me to judge whether tearing the family apart is better for your sister than having the seizures that are prepared and educated about her.

How often does it happen that your sister overhears? What does she think?

In such a case, can she go to another room and you go with her, of course only if someone is still with your brother.

And talk to your brother together, your sister can tell him that she's afraid for him… Maybe he'll live healthier then…


The thing is, he just doesn't do anything. He gives me the impression that he doesn't care. He doesn't take it that seriously. And how is he supposed to live healthy if he stays up at night and sleeps until 3 pm-5pm during the day? How should he take medication?


Because it is up to the PARENTS to take care of it, and as a minor he can't take legal action


The problem is simply that he stays up at night and sleeps during the day. How is he supposed to take medication when he sleeps during the day? And non-stop on the cell phone and ps4? He doesn't care about himself.


Yes, but apparently these drugs are of no use. How about if he stays awake at night and sleeps during the day. Is there non-stop on the cell phone, drinks energy, smokes and hardly moves?


I see serious educational gaps here, which your parents are to blame. He is her child and the 10 year old is her child too. YOU are responsible. You are the child too and have nothing to report here. Sounds tough, but it's true. Think about it.

The key, that your brother behaves like this and thinks he can afford it, is YOUR PARENTS, who allow, tolerate and encourage it! By letting him live free of charge and taking care of him.


What would you do As a parent. Kick out? If so, where to put it?


Best recognized - so I'm not alone in my opinion.


Your parents are actually responsible for such a thing and not you. They then have to have a serious conversation with him, so that he can't continue his life like this, that is just as bad for himself and the rest of you.

Talk to them, they should think about what rules to make with him and what the consequences are if he does not follow them.

Doesn't he go to work? At that age he should slowly take control of his life, despite an illness that can be treated well today, my friend has that under control too, goes to work and now has a family of his own.

As long as he has no disadvantages due to his previous behavior, he will not change it, it is convenient for him.


Talking doesn't work. So I ask myself what the consequences are?


And what should I do if my parents don't do anything about it?


If the upbringing has not worked out for 26 years and has been neglected, there's no need to complain now. It's all too late now. BEFORE you should have acted!


Was already described to you in MY answer - there are living groups - possibly - for the disabled, he could find accommodation there -he is 26 years old and is probably mentally fully sane, so in the end he can also take care of himself, possibly through father state. For you would have to ask the office what is possible there .much. Already the threat of being thrown out helps that he is ready to change his life a bit or to undergo therapy so that he can live better with his disease. Above all, he must be better stopped with medication and until it fits.


NOTHING! Confront your parents, THEY are responsible for the children they brought into the world! Not you! YOU are not the minder and supervisor for the deficits that your parents caused in 26 years!


When you are old enough and earn money, move out and continue to live alone - YOU don't change anything in your family anymore


Yes, what do your parents say?

sounds like it has completely given up on itself, maybe he is also depressed

you should try to get the ground under your feet again


The youth welfare office is the right contact person for such family situations with minors. You can make an appointment there and simply tell us what the problems are. The employees can then explain to you what options / solutions / offers there are for your family. And in particular, they can clarify whether your little sister is at risk of child welfare.


Isn't he being treated by a neurologist. He has to go to an epilepsy center, there you can help him so that at least he doesn't have as many seizures