Do I need a (own) computer?

- in Nintendo

I'm 14 years old, male and in 7th grade.

I guess there will be homework soon where a computer would be better. I also enjoy playing video games, especially minecraft. My mother does have a laptop, but this one is very old and often has problems with the internet.

I've been thinking for a long time about buying a computer, but so far I have not needed that. I have an xbox and a nintendo switch.

Are there big differences between PC and laptop?

I also hardly know anything about computers. Is it important to learn something like that?

What do you think, do I need a computer (or laptop, etc.)? And if yes, which do you recommend?

If there are any questions, I'll answer them.


It depends what you intend to do with it. For example, you can use a computer to learn about school topics ("Daniel Jung" on YT, for example).

Likewise, it can be useful if you want to take long-term notes or work up the school supplies and make a clean note.

Then he can still be helpful, if you want to do something in the direction of computer science anyway.

Whether you like these cases or not, you should know yourself. I would not buy any for Minecraft.


He would not be just for Minecraft. I would like to do all the things you wrote. It would be much better to research, because the typing on the phone is somehow boring.


Worldwide, the economy and human behavior are evolving extremely fast into the digital environment. In the near future you will also receive applications and entry into professional life. I would like to recommend you the preparation for the future, but not with laptop, but with a quality PC, which is not completely off the shelf, but maybe even put together. The finished computers are always a weak component; you notice later than insiders on the device. You will probably know the saying: "A device is as good as the weakest component".


It is very important to learn how to use computers. Pretty much any job, whether it's one in the office or a little better, will sooner or later require computers. Also, I think it's a pity that some of my friends depend on me backing you up because they can't do it themselves. Apart from the fact that in such a situation, you can say what the agent with the data still does.

For the homework a computer is rather important later. In the beginning, you usually get the choice of whether to use a PowerPoint presentation or posters.