Am I depressed?

- in Nintendo


I have a problem…

I think I'm going to be depressed. Because the signs are right

Instead of 2 rolls, I only eat half, if any, in the morning and z in the evening. B. When grilled, just a piece of salmon instead of 2 pieces and another big bread and sausage afterwards. In addition, I can't fall asleep, I usually lie there for 1-2 hours and do absolutely nothing. And in the morning I mostly sleep until my parents make it clear to us that we want to go and it is therefore almost too late. With me you can no longer have fun because I can't get a smile on my face. Even if you try out the newest roller coaster in a hoggy amusement park with me and it's abnormally cool, you won't notice any joy. Meanwhile I prefer to play 5 hours in my room with my Nintendo instead of 5 hours with my friends. And my contacts are limited. I have hardly been answering calls for a short time and have people on WhatsApp, Skype, Discord and Instagram where I'm otherwise extremely active, sometimes waiting over 1 month for my answer. When I go shopping I don't ask people anymore if they can give it to me because I can't get there instead I just leave it there and the only ones I still speak to in public are the cashiers.

But things like sudden, groundless crying or birthdays I don't cancel but I don't cancel the birthdays because I don't want to be spoiled for fun. Just that I do not completely separate myself from the public even if I try to have little contact.

If you have any questions that are important for the answer then please ask them to answer everything (as best I can)


I would say "yes" but I'm not an expert. Try to oppose it and talk to someone you know or do something else. In any case, life is more fun when you have fun


I would say a slightly depressive phase / episode.

But I'm not an expert


Such a phase disappears because on its own, as far as I know, depression doesn't even go that way


So what you describe, I would describe as a depressive episode. Fortunately, apparently not a difficult one, which makes it no less restrictive and stressful for you. It would still be good to know how old you are.

I recommend that you contact your family doctor with confidence. Even weak, herbal medications can have a great positive impact on the drive and if these do not help, the family doctor can also refer you to a psychologist.

If you don't have the energy, don't be afraid to ask your parents or your most trusted people to help you get in touch. React as quickly as possible, as long as it is still possible for you to make contact with very little effort. Believe me, the longer you wait, the harder it gets.


I'm only 11 when I get it to my parents who would probably call me disturbed oh and what I forgot to say is that I get upset quickly and agro gets small


You sound as if you were also in puberty… I can understand this grief or depression. Between 12 - 20 I think that's "normal". However, if you are ONLY in a bad mood, you should urgently seek help from outside the Internet!


So what you are describing is very difficult to assess at your age, since rapid outbursts of anger and listlessness could also be due to the hormones during puberty. I think it would be negligent to simply blame it on, because there are also mental illnesses that contain exactly these things.

I can understand that, especially at your age, you often don't have the best connection to your parents. However, it is usually the best way to talk to parents about such issues first. I have had the experience that they tend to downplay it because they think they have experienced something similar in their youth.

If you don't dare to tell your parents about it, you can go directly to your pediatrician and ask him for advice.

What I wouldn't do is rely on the internet. Many adults or older teenagers consider themselves therapists there and sometimes make things worse.


So I'm annoyed too quickly


Such phases often occur during puberty, but if it lasts too long, about 4 months you should probably have a look or you can do it without your parents


Krafr means lust or really strength


Doctor is too far away


So the doctor is too far away because I can't get there on my own and our teacher at the school I don't dare to do that


So by "strength" I already meant the inner strength. Depression is often very easy and you don't manage to get through to talking on the phone or taking care of appointments yourself. This affects you less, however, since you are still so young and that would actually not be your job.


But maybe you have another trusted adult. An aunt, godmother, cousin or someone with whom you can sometimes do something without having to tell the parents directly.

But this is only a first step, you should be aware of that. You won't be able to avoid talking to your parents in the long run. Even if it is super difficult. Maybe another person can support you. It can also be a brave friend or a brave friend with whom you have previously rehearsed how to start the conversation.

I wouldn't give much thought to your parents thinking you were "beloppt". Unless your parents are very mean to you and often insult you, put you down, tell you that you are of no value and all. Then I would suggest the step to become a teacher, because then I think I could be a little more in the bush.


Not now but sometimes there are sayings like how I'm useless


Do you understand that it is difficult to give the right tips on the Internet? I don't want to accidentally talk you into something that isn't really like that.

I think it's very good that you are trying to find help, only the internet is a very dangerous place. You are a bit scared right now and don't really know what's going on with you and it would be easy for trolls to hurt yourself.

If you don't know anyone you can trust Don't you at least know someone who could drive you to the doctor when he's so far away?

What exactly are you afraid of when you talk to your mom about your feelings? What reaction do you imagine is likely to happen? And what reaction could happen in your worst imagination? What would be the best reaction you could think of?


Phase and depression are different things.

Yes, it disappears


They would say that it can't be because I'm not really extremely separate from the public… I know people who get a tremor when they see strangers