Is it possible to add Android to the Nintendo Switch and if so how does it work?

- in Nintendo

Everyone who is at home I wanted to ask if it is possible that you can use the Nintendo Switch as Android and if so how can you get it? Has any of you tried it or got it, so to speak. Because I would like to use my Nintendo Switch as an Android and would like to try it out. I would appreciate a positive answer from LG Gianpiero.


First you need an unpatched switch. You can find out via the serial number:

If the switch is patched and you already have firmware higher than 4.1, then you're out of luck at the moment. However, Team Xecuter already has a mod chip that is currently being tested and should be delivered soon. It will cost around 60 euro.

If the switch is not patched, you can read it through:

And here you can find an article about Android:

Before you do anything, read everything and ask! Either here as a comment or on

Because if you do something wrong, the switch could be broken, so it could break.


Note: I was wrong about the price. The chip does not cost 60 euro, but 50 euro and is currently at 45 euro in the Team Xecuter Shop. However, you have to solder it, so you should rather order it from if it offers it.

(He is a beta tester of the chip, but has not said anything yet whether he will sell the chips. If so, he will probably install them, just as he does with the 3DS with the capture cards.)


Ok, thanks for your answer