Corona Time over?

- in PlayStation

The corona giant is slowly coming to an end. The number of cases is extremely low, the R-value is well below 1 on average nationwide (with occasional pulling out according to the above). The lockdown has actually been over for weeks and an end to the transition phase is now in sight.

Even if, of course, no one can say 100% whether a second wave will not come at some point, the situation has clearly relaxed. The biggest concern of the Germans seems to be felt. Where can you go this summer?

But aren't we going to miss the Corona time somewhere? The time of short-time work where we all had the chance to do what really filled us and the excuse "I don't have time and I'm tired because of work" was no longer valid?

The time of long sleep and if it was so easy to spend the whole day with Netflix or the Playstation? The next day, just get up early, enjoy breakfast and spend a day in the park with a good book? Because to design the next day completely different with a little sport or a leisurely hike?

Do you sometimes think wistfully of the time of the lockdown back now when the (work) everyday life returns?


The time of short-time work where we all had the chance to do what really filled us

Not everyone is able to work inefficiently from home with an unstable network and otherwise spend the rest of the day in the booth.


Then you should go out into nature. In the form of a hike, sport or a cozy picnic


That gave us the infamous 2000 euro penalty for ski tourers.


Of course, taking into account and observing the rules. I don't know when / where "going out" would have been prohibited in Germany


I don't miss the bad consequences of the epidemic. I work in the health sector.

Personally, I found home office and other amenities very pleasant.


However, I'm not talking about Germany either.


Oh, well then


The first major bankruptcies were registered, workers lose their jobs due to short-time work and are sent into early retirement.

A lot will change for many people and the crisis is not over yet.

The number of cases was also low in February, if too many think it is over now, we're quickly back in exponential growth.

South Korea, which serves as a shining example for good follow-up of new infections, is currently experiencing major problems with it. There's an app there that does not (yet) help us.

Clubs and bars were closed again. Now a cluster is spreading in a logistics center.

Wistfulness is not the feeling that does not creep in, but rather continues. This is a long distance run, not a short distance.


A few loosenings, with a lot of discipline and luck reduced the number of cases and the apparently big illusion that we had the virus under control.

We don't live in Germany on an island of the blissful. Apparently there are no bigger wishes than to finally travel again, in full flight and we're visited by tourists again.

One infected person and a larger group of people and there can already be a major outbreak, such as the private event in Leer with approx. 50 people in a restaurant, where the district of Leer and the neighboring counties now have a major problem.


How do you get the idea that the Corona Kriese is coming to an end? Do you think the virus has been tamed, that it is friendlier to us now? As long as there's no vaccine, it is dangerous.


The corona giant is slowly coming to an end. The number of cases is extremely low, the R-value is well below 1 on average nationwide (with occasional pulling out according to the above). The lockdown has actually been over for weeks and an end to the transition phase is now in sight.

In addition, it is beyond me personally why one suspects that this virus would behave extremely differently than the known influenza and corona viruses


The crisis is not coming to an end just because the number of cases in Germany is so small. This is a completely wrong assumption. The small number of cases has nothing to do with the danger of the virus.


If the virus were still circulating with the same potency as March or early April, the number of cases would have risen long ago, at least slightly or somehow measurably. Since April 20, we have been loosening the sinks with practically zero effects on the number of cases.

Mask requirement and rules or not the loosening should have made itself felt. Because such protective measures reduce the risk of infection, they never offer 100% security or more security than the lockdown


I honestly don't know what you're getting at. Before the protective measures, people danced close to each other in closed rooms, were out of breath and inhaled and infected the aerosols from everyone in this room.

Such mass events no longer exist today. People keep their distance, they wear a mask to protect the other person. Be glad that it is so and that we did exactly the right thing to reduce the number of cases. But you shouldn't draw the wrong conclusions from it like you did.

As soon as we allow mass events again, at which no one keeps the minimum distance and where nobody wears a mask anymore, the number of cases will increase as quickly as at the beginning. Nothing has changed in the danger, but nothing has changed. We only keep the virus at bay with the distance rule and the minimum distance. If we give up, everything was in vain.