Which is less common the PS5 or the Corona vaccine?

- in PlayStation

Both the new consoles and the vaccine against Corona are pretty rare for a while, but what do you think is harder to get


There are over 120 million vaccinated people in the world, but not that many consoles.

Only 2.2 million PS5 were shipped worldwide.


It depends on how old you are until you get the vaccine, but when you are young…


I could afford one of 1000 euro on Ebay.

But I'm not that stupid! 😅


You can't compare that. That would have to be put in relation.

As of now: There are more who want the vaccine and not get it than those who want the PS5 and not get it.


But the vaccination want a lot more


I don't know because there are also very many who do not want to be vaccinated or wait to see how the vaccine works


Right, there are those who do not want to be vaccinated. The number of those who want to be vaccinated and can't be vaccinated is certainly higher than those who want and can't get a PS5.