Pokémon X another name according to PCBox?

- in Nintendo

A little while ago, I picked out my Nintendo games again and started with Pokémon X again. So when I go to the PC in the Pokémon Center, for example, I can choose between "Professor's PC" and "Olivier's PC". I didn't call myself Olivier. I didn't even save anything with Olivier as a nickname or somehow in the Nintendo system. Not even a Mii or something is called Olivier. However, I have characters like musical notes and hearts in my player name, does it have something to do with that? So everywhere else in the game my name is displayed correctly except for the PCs in the game. I've played the game a few times and I've never seen "Olivier's PC". As far as I remember the name doesn't matter anyway, because normally "Your PC" should be there or am I confusing something? Have you already had such experiences in the game or maybe you know why that could be? I'm really curious why Olivier is there and through research on the Internet I found absolutely nothing in this direction. I've already thought about whether I just reset the game and then test whether this is due to the symbols in my player name, but I think that's a shame about my score even if I'm not ready yet.


Oliver is the creator of this PC system. In Generation 1 it was still Bill. There was then "Bill's PC".

You can even meet Oliver in a town.


How is it that suddenly after playing the game several times, Olivier (really written that way, I see if I can add a photo) is there? Before it always said "Your PC" or something like that. But it sounds very interesting that you can apparently meet this person where?


Maybe you just remembered this wrong. Up to the sixth generation there was always a PC creator and his name was on it. I can take a quick look for you.


It may well be very astonishing because the name meant absolutely nothing to me


OK. I know now Before it was "someone's PC". But since you went into the house of the system administrator named Olivier in vanitea and talked to him, the PC now says "Oliver's PC".


In many cases it says Somebody's PC instead of their name, maybe that's why you are surprised. It's been a while since I played X, so I don't remember exactly how it was there. In other games, you have to (optionally) speak to the creator for the name to appear.


I just wrote… Well thanks anyway


Aaah that even makes sense. But I didn't notice it because I think it was enough that I was just inside or something.


Yes, I also noticed XD

The problem is, the comments don't update as you write. When I started to write, the comment was not yet, when I sent it.

And you can't delete it yourself 😅


It doesn't matter now at least the person can be 100% sure again