Otto delivery possible earlier (Nintendo Switch)?

- in Nintendo

I have a question that was asked by another person only about 2 weeks ago. I ordered the Nintendo Switch with Animal Crossing on Otto today and of course, like all the others, will be available at the end of June. Now many have said that they could arrive earlier and that is only because they may have only 1000 or so available and do not know how to make the delivery dates and therefore write deliverable at the end of June so that nobody will be disappointed.

Does anyone know more about it, so is it really so and I could get mine earlier?


I would say so generally nobody knows. Guess that depends on a number of factors, such as how close you live to an Otto camp or in general in a (large) city. And how many orders are currently being received by Otto. There are probably quite a few at the moment, so delivery times can be delayed.

It remains to be seen.


Okay thanks for your answer.


Gladly. I keep my fingers crossed that your switch will be delivered earlier than specified.


Thanks, that's really very nice. I'm already hoping haha. I mean, it would be hard to really wait until the end of June


Yes that's true.