Does the Nintendo Switch keep up with the game's progress, even with the same disc?

- in Nintendo

For my 18th birthday, I finally get a Nintendo Switch! However, I'm not in possession of a switch game at this time and am now more or less forced to borrow my brother's game. The question arises to me: Since all files and Speilstände not on the card are stored, but on the device, or user / user of my brother and I would then insert the game in my console, then all my brother's game files would not be there, because he owns this data on his console. My biggest concern is that if I want to start a new game and make progress in the game, it would be a pity if all the files were deleted. That is, if I'm in possession of this game at some point and I no longer have to borrow it from my brother, then would be the Speilstandt still there? Because yes, exactly from my brother's game, the progress will be saved on my console. So if I play the new but the same game, will my previous progress still be there, or will I be forced to restart the game? I would really be very happy about an answer, greetings!


The scores are not saved in the map, but only on your account. If you use a new card, but your account that you otherwise use, then all scores are still there.


Thank you very much! 🙏😁